Below you will find a list of services we offer, if you are looking for special medical attention that is not listed below, please do not hesitate to contact our office to inquire whether we can accommodate your needs or give you a referral.
We treat cases that involve abnormal PAP, HPV infection, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases, fibroids. We offer annual Gyn. Healthcare visits, which are a great opportunity for women to look after their health. During an annual visit, we can treat various problems women may have as well as offer preventative information and solutions that would help treat or mitigate recurrence of the problem in the future. At our office, we perform PAP smears, HPV testing, STI screening, prenatal counselling, mammogram referrals, contraception, and breast exams.
We provide treatment for cases that include: frequent UTIs, urinary incontinence, as well as treatments for uncomplicated and complicated UTIs. We offer initial evaluation and treatment of urinary incontinence and we will refer you to the appropriate specialists when necessary. Different treatment options are available for patients with a pelvic organ prolapse, including pessary and pelvic floor therapy, as well as surgical correction.
Caesarian delivery is a delivery of a baby through the abdomen when an incision is made to the lower abdomen and uterus. Caesarian delivery is performed when vaginal delivery can result in complications.
We work closely with Baby Belly Baby, providing a community for every expecting and new mother. You can find out more about Baby Belly Baby and their services by visiting them at their website here.
As a minimally invasive procedure, Essure Placement requires no cutting, leaves no visible scars, and can be performed by your doctor as an elective procedure for permanent sterilization.
We provide comprehensive counselling on the permanent sterilization.
Endometrial Ablation is a gynecological procedure that destroys the internal layer of the uterus, which results in a reduction to menstrual bleeding, or stops menstrual bleeding completely. Our patients are very satisfied with this minimally invasive surgery, because of the minimal pain, positive results, and quick recovery period associated with the procedure.
We offer the following Minimally-Invasive Surgeries
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